Monday, 3 September 2012

Don't Forget to be Awesome !

Sometimes we need that little reminder and slight push to be our awesome selves. We  need that tiny whisper of  encouragement that reminds us again just how fabulous we actually are solely because we are ourselves and no one in this crazy world is the same.

I had a moment like that this week. That moment where I read a beautiful quote { " Don't Forget to be Awesome " }and it reminded me that I need to delight in myself everyday because I am me. Me. That is something that I can be proud of and that no one can take away.

I definitely get wrapped up in my everyday hustle and bustle right along with the rest of the world and I forget. I forget to be content with what I have been given physically, mentally and emotionally. Today I'm thankful because i get the chance to be awesome: )

I hope each of you has a beautiful spring weekdays ahead !!!
