Monday, 29 August 2011

Well Say Hello to My Birthday Pressie !

This day is dragging.
I woke up earlier than I wanted to& couldn't fall back to sleep.
With that being said, here are a few things that are making this dull Monday morning more lively:

My birthday isn't until September but....I got this Dior pouch that I was in love with as my early birthday pressie 
Boo ! Chanel Earrings from mommy 

Ralph Lauren from love 

Jian told me that I could have my birhday pressie early =)
SWAROVSKI bracelet from Jian 
Gotta love them ! Thanks lovesss! 


Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Brekkie in Bed.

Holy coffee deprived, I am sleepy!
Although I wish I were sprawled out in the picture above, I am  not. That's what tomorrow is for!

{ I do not know how I became so lucky as to have Wednesday and Thursday mornings off; but I am }

This weekend has made me very excited for August and what lies ahead. The past 3 days have been filled with planning for the month ahead.

The weather was perfect and it seemed as though every single person was in a great mood.

Cheers to Wednesday !
{ & the week almost being over }


Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Dessert Kind of Day.

You know those days when:
you feel tired emotionally and physically.
you might be getting sick. You groaned when your alarm clock went off. You know you have a long day ahead of you.
you have so much to get done in 24 hours. You know the next rendezvous with your bed won't be until late into the night. It is only mid week instead of almost the weekend.

That's when you know that the only cure is dessert.

{ i sure hope i can snag some! }


Sunday, 21 August 2011

All About Love.

Found a video of me and Snowy in my phone.
She loves the piano and sleeps beside it whenever I am playing.
I miss her.


Saturday, 20 August 2011

Thursday, 18 August 2011

An Early 22nd Birthday Pressie for Myself ♥

1. Christian Dior Evening Pouch

2. Burberry Heart Nova Canvas Pilgrim Hobo

3. Chloe Sally Leather Shoulder Bag

Hi guys , =)

I would love to buy one of these as a 22nd early birthday pressie for myself this year which is in September. I really need your help, I don't know what to pick!

Thank you for your help =)



3 things I would like to improve about myself:
  • To be tidy and organised- I try to be organised but still end up losing things, getting out of the door late and forgetting things. I am MISS MESSY.
  • Fight too much sleep. =)  I am a big sleeper.
  • To be able to ask for help.- I think I am putting on people if I ask them for things, or maybe it is just that I think I should be able to do everything by myself.
A few things to work on....One step at a time.=)

Good Night Loveliessss 


Monday, 15 August 2011

Girlsss, Please Read This! ( Pretty Girl Wants to Marry Rich Guy = BAD TRADE )

Something I picked up from the magazine.

The question

What am I doing wrong?

Okay. I'm tired of beating around the bush. I'm a beautiful  ( spectacularly beautiful ) 25 year old girl. I'm articulate and classy. I'm not from New York. I'm looking to get married to a guy who makes at least half a million a year. I know how that sounds, but keep in mind that a million a year is middle class in New York City, so I don't think I'm overreaching at all.

Are there any guys who make 500K or more on this board? Any wives? Could you send me some tips? I dated a business man who makes average around 200 - 250. But that's where I seem to hit a roadblock. 250,000 won't get me to central park west. I know a woman in my yoga class who was married to an investment banker and lives in Tribeca, and she's not as pretty as I am, nor is she a great genius. So what is she doing right? How do I get to her level?

Here are my questions specifically:
  • Where do you single rich men hang out? Give me specific- bars, restaurants, gyms
  • What are you looking for in a mate? Be honest guys, you won't hurt my feelings
  • Is there an age range I should be targeting ( I'm 25 ) ?
  • Why are some of the women living lavish lifestyles on the upper east side so plain? I've seen really ' plain jane ' boring types who have nothing to offer married to incredible wealthy guys. I've seen drop dead gorgeous girls in singles bars in the east village. What's the story there?
  • Jobs I should look out for? Everyone knows- lawyer, investment banker, doctor. How much do those guys really make? And where do they hang out? Where do the hedge fund guys hang out?
  • How you decide marriage vs. just a girlfriend? I am looking for MARRIAGE ONLY
Please hold your insults- I'm putting myself out there in an honest way. Most beautiful women are superficial; at least I'm being up front about it. I wouldn't be searching for these kind of guys if I wasn't able to match them- in looks, culture, sophistication, and keeping a nice home and hearth.

The answer

I read your posting with great interest and have thought meaningfully about your dilemma. I offer the following analysis of your predicament. Firstly, I'm not wasting your time, I qualify as a guy who fits your bill; that is I make more than $500K per year. That said here's how I see it.

Your offer, from the prospective of a guy like me, is plain and simple a crappy business deal. Here's why. Cutting through all the B.S., what you suggest is a simple trade: you bring your looks to the party and I bring my money. Fine, simple. But here's the rub, your looks will fade and my money will likely continue into fact, it is very likely that my income increases but it is an absolute certainty that you won't be getting any more beautiful !

So, in economic terms you are a depreciating asset and I am an earning asset. Not only are you a depreciating asset, your depreciation accelerates! Let me explain, you're 25 now and will likely stay pretty hot for the next 5 years, but less so each year. Then the fade begins in earnest. By 35 stick a fork in you!

So in Wall Street terms, we could call you a trading position, not a buy and hold...hence the rub...marriage. It doesn't make good business sense to " buy you " ( which is what you're asking ) so I'd rather lease. In case you think I'm being cruel, I would say the following. If my money were to go away, so would you, so when your beauty fades I need an out. It's as simple as that. So a deal that makes sense is dating, not marriage.

Separately, I was taught early in my career about efficient markets. So, I wonder why a girl as " articulate, classy and spectacularly beautiful " as you has been unable to find your sugar daddy. I find it hard to believe that if you are as gorgeous as you say you are that the $500K hasn't found you, if not only for a tryout.

By the way, you could always find a way to make your own money and then we wouldn't need to have this difficult conversation.

With all that said, I must say you're going about it the right way. Classic " pump and dump. "

I hope this is helpful, and if you want to enter into some sort of lease, let me know.


Thursday, 11 August 2011

Meaningful Quote.

Meaningful Quote of the day-
" We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love. "


Tuesday, 9 August 2011


I learned that I can be okay with the fact sometimes people will mess with you. It's hard to find a genuine friend, and I have come to be a good recognizer of who these rare pearls are. While other friends, who may be fun to be around and interesting to talk too, may not be as real. But that's okay. People are always wearing social masks, sometimes I truely believe some don't even know they are wearing a mask but truth has always a funny way of peak-a-booing when you least expect it.

What I learned is not everyone around you is honest, sometimes people can be manipulative, and sometimes innocently stupid the way they deal with a situation or they simply make a mistake. The important thing isn't what this whole thing is about, rather that I was okay with it.

Perhaps it is because I have come to know who and what I am and I am at a place in my life where drama no longer has any power on me. So at the end of the day, we will still be friends, but my eyes have opened and revealed some shady colors. I now know my true friends, the everyday friends, the now and then friends, the distant friends and the so- called friends.

They all have their place in my life. And it's all Okay !


Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Help Africa Friends !

More than 10 million people are facing starvation due to the severe drought in East Africa.
It kills me to see these images.
What makes our life worth living is knowing that for 6 bucks you can keep one hundred people alive every single day.

Help Africa friends, we could make a difference!

Steph ♥